
Posted: December 2, 2010

Please go to and register to vote for RES' chance to win $25,000 for our DREAM PLAYGROUND.  

Posted: November 29, 2010


Posted: November 25, 2010

RES' Christmas Dinner will be held on Wednesday, December 15th. The menu will consist of: - roast turkey with cranberry sauce, - mashed potatoes and gravy, - savory stuffing - garden vegetables, - dessert, and - white milk.   RES' Christmas Dinner meal will be $5.00 per person and is only available to students and staff. You are advised that the Christmas Dinner will be the only meal served at RES on December 15th. The staff of Chartwells wish you a very Merry Christmas and a safe, Happy New Year!

Posted: November 25, 2010

RES' Student Council has organized a Hat Day for tomorrow, November 26th. Wear you favorite hat during the school day and pay $1.00 to your classroom teacher. All funds raised will go towards supporting the Richibucto Food Bank and to support the Quigley family whose home burned in a fire a couple of weeks ago.  

Posted: November 20, 2010

Today is Rexton Elementary's annual Tea & Craft Sale!! Our doors will open at 9 a.m. sharp and we are brimming with Christmas goodies from ventors and artisans from around the Maritimes. Our Snowflake Cafe has coffee brewing and the aroma of Ms. Wood's home-made Christmas cookies will fill your senses as you enter our fine, fine school this morning. Children, young and older, from the Rexton-area will be here to sing their hearts out for you as you enough a tasty treat in our Cafe.


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