Anglophone School District will be using Busplanner this year. As such, you do not need to call the school to get your child’s bussing information. Instead, please do the following.
We are reaching out to remind you about SafeArrival absence reporting system that Anglophone North School District has adopted with School Messenger. All school districts in New Brunswick currently use this same system.
We are so excited to see our students after our summer break! We hope everyone has enjoyed the sun and is excited to be coming back or joining us for the first time!
Check back in the next week for news and schedules as we get ready to welcome our RES students, family, and teachers to the 2022-2023 school year.
In the month of April RES launched our Perfect Attendance challenge. Today students with perfect attendance in April were celebrated. We are so proud of the attendance of these students. These students have a great start on their goal of three months of perfect attendance. If they obtain two more months of Perfect Attendance, their name will be placed in a draw for a new BIKE.
There are a number items that we have in our lost and found if you recognize anything in the picture as your child's long lost item please ask them to come pick it up.
Information on registration and an overview of the programs are available on the ASD-N website through the following link Registration for French Immersion.