
Posted: June 8, 2021

On June 9th, RES students will be shown our appreciation for the resilence they have show during this difficult COVID year. All students will be involved in fun outdoor games on the 9th and Aerobic Drumming on Thursday, June 10th! 

Posted: May 10, 2021

RES Families,

Posted: April 22, 2021

Spring has finally sprung and students and teachers are enjoying many outdoor learning opportunities! Please be sure to check the weather regulary to ensure students have appropriate outdoor clothing to wear each day. Thank you!

Posted: January 28, 2021

We are looking forward to a fun-filled February at RES! See the monthly calendar for more info.

Posted: January 28, 2021

Please find RES' February calendar attached. We have a busy month ahead!

Posted: December 14, 2020

To RES' family and friends, we wish you a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!

Posted: October 20, 2020

Our Halloween Walk-A-Thon is approaching quickly! Please return all pledge sheets and funds raised by Friday, October 23rd! 

Posted: September 24, 2020

Welcome to our virtual Open House! Go to your child's'Teacher Page' to get an introduction to the teacher and classroom. Enjoy!  

Posted: September 13, 2020

Hello Everyone! Here is the 2020/2021 Cafeteria Menu. Notice the website on the bottom right of the menu and please order online, if possible, and send a note in your child's baggie indicating that you have ordered online. Thanking you in advance!

Posted: September 5, 2020

School begins on Tuesday, September 8th and, on this day, we will be sayiing hello to our Grade 5 students. How exciting! 

Here are just a few reminders:

1. The cafeteria will only be opening on Sept. 14th, so everyone will need to being a lunch.

2. The breakfast program will not begin until Sept. 21st.

3. A clean mask will be needed.

4. A water bottle will be needed. All water fountains have been shut off, but we have water coolers to refill water bottles.

Have a great long weekend!




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