Bussing 2023-2024- New Times for Most Students

Posted: August 27, 2023

Bussing for 2023-2024

 Bussing Information:

Anglophone School District will be using Busplanner this year. As such, you do not need to call the school to get your child’s bussing information. Instead, please do the following.

  • Go to the Anglophone School District website @ asd-n.nbed.nb.ca
  • Scroll down and on the right-hand side of the page lick on this icon:




  • Then click on this image:








1.      Type in the required address information and click submit. Be sure to include grade level.

2.      Scroll down to review bussing information, which will include your child’s route to and from school. including pick-up and drop-off times.

3.      If your child does not go home after school, we have this information (if you’ve provided it) and therefore the bussing information to their daycare/babysitter.

FYI, Children in K-2 load busses and leave school at approximately 1:45 pm each day and grades 3-5 at 2:45 (which is 30 minutes earlier than last year).



*If you drop-off or pick-up or do both each day, you will use the enter and exit loop in the front of the school. Schools starts at 8:20 (students should arrive between 8am and 8:15 am)

School ends at 1:45 for K-2 students and at 2:45 for grades 3-5 (which is 30 minutes earlier than last year).

*The pick-up routine/bus taken should be the same each day.

Note: we cannot do bus passes.

 ~RES Administration