Our Family Math Night has been postponed to this Thursday, June 7th. District 16 Mathematics Coordinator, Jacqueline Petrie and Numeracy Lead, Susan Vienneau, will showcase new and traditional games that will delight the young, and the young-at-heart! The grand event will run from 6:00-7:00 p.m. and the entire greater-Rexton community is welcome to attend. The event will be held in RES’ cafeteria and foyer (all Lost & Found items will be displayed at this event).
New Brunswick's Minister of Education and the Deputy Minister of Education have made the decision that the last day of school for students will be Thursday, June 21st, 2012; this will be a full day of school.
May 24th, 2012.
Dear Parent, Guardians and Staff:
As part of a revised water testing protocol that the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development has implemented, additional testing of drinking water at Rexton Elementary School has recently been carried out.
All functional drinking fountains in the school were tested; one fountain was found with levels of Copper exceeding the provincial Health Advisory Limit (HAL).
Congratulations to all RES students who represented our fine, fine school at BLMS' Grand Opening of their Track on Friday, May 25th. Special thanks to Kyler Wood Levi for running a great race against former NB Premier, Shawn Graham! We would also like to thank Mrs. Bowes for the significant role she played in organizing our school's participation in this special community event. Finally, we want to thank the students and staff from BLMS for inviting us to the wonderful celebration - your new track is definitely "our " new field-of-dreams!
RES was notified this morning (May 16/12) that one of our students has been diagnosed as having Whooping
Cough; please click on the following link to NB’s Department of Health for more information
regarding the Whooping Cough (Pertussis):
The Go for 42 program will be taking place in District 16 from May 14th till June 15th. The attached letter serves as the registration form for this event. We are hoping to involve more students than ever this year as the Fun Run will take place on Sunday June 24th just 2 days after school is finished and before families head out on summer vacations. More details will be coming home with your child in the next week.
IMPORTANT: It has been brought to our attention that one of our Rexton Elementary School students is allergic to peanuts. That being said, this is the perfect time to remind all RES students, staff, and parents that to ensure the health & safety of all of our students the following food items cannot be brought into our school or on our school buses:
a) Peanuts/Nut products
b) Eggs (egg salad, egg sandwiches); food items baked with eggs are fine
c) Shellfish (lobster sandwiches)
We thank-you for your ongoing support and understanding!
Mrs. Diane Wilson ~ RES' Principal