Grade Five Notes



Posted: June 8, 2020

Dear Grade 5 RES Students and Families,


Our 2019-2020 school year is coming to an end and so is your time with us at RES.  We want to find some way to commemorate this milestone, while still adhering to pandemic health and safety restrictions.  We would like to invite students to participate in a “mini” farewell celebration. 


Students are invited to come to the school on Thursday, June 11th. They can attend either the 1:00-3:00 pm or 5:30-7:30 pm session. They will have an opportunity to accept their Grade 5 RES Certificate and a special RES memento.  Staff will be available to take pictures with each student and share some special memories. This Celebration will take place outside while respecting social distancing, at the main entrance of the school.


Pandemic safety precautions must be followed:

·         one student with an accompanying person at a time

·          respect social distancing – no hugging – no hand shaking 

·         since we can only accommodate one student at a time, you will not be able to extend your stay . Please be aware of the length of your visit which will be limited to 5 minutes per student

·         All must bring a community mask 

·         We ask that you “stay in/at your car” until the all clear signal is given

·         There must not be more than 1 student and 1 family member at a time with teachers 



·         RSVP – please email/call your homeroom teacher or school, at 523-7152, to let us know if and when you plan to attend, so we can plan accordingly.


We would like to know if:

___ You will attend in the afternoon

___ You will attend in the evening

___ You will not be attending.


Thank You,

Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Richard and all RES Staff 

Posted: April 6, 2020


Hello Grade 5! 

It has been so nice to speak with you and your parents over the past few days. For those of you who we haven’t reached, we hope to reach you soon.

Since school has closed we have been taking lots of walks with our dogs and baking—a lot;). We are trying to get lots of exercise, fresh air and sleep and we are maintaining good eating habits; in short, we are doing our best to stay healthy! We hope you are doing the same. And remember, if you can, stay home as much as it is possible. If you must go out remember to maintain social distancing and wash your hands often. Take care of yourselves and stay healthy.

We have been busy preparing Home-Learning activities and are excited to share the activities with you. This is a great opportunity to try out your NBSS student email accounts. We would love to hear from you, via email. If you have forgotten your passwords or login, let us know and we can help you out.

We miss you and are thinking of you!

Ms. Beers and Mme Leonard