Letter to Parents

Posted: September 13, 2021

 Additional GuidancetoAllSchools:WearingMasksto School




ThepurposeofthisletteristoinformyouthatasupplementaryPublicHealthdirectivewillbeimplementedtomorrow in all public schools in the province for at least the next two weeks (September 14 to 24inclusive).If this measure needs to be extended, you will be informed before September 24.Thisdirective is being put in place because of the increase in COVID-19 activity in the province, and as ameasuretopreventtransmission,especiallywithunvaccinated youth.


We understand that this may be a difficult time for you and your child, but we must continue to worktogetherto protecteveryone'shealthandsafetyfromCOVID-19.




·         Studentsmustwearaclothmaskordisposablemaskalldayatschool,incommonareasANDinclassrooms.Themaskmayberemovedforeating,ordrinking,andduringphysicalactivityonly.

·         Fully vaccinated staff (must have been ≥14 days since the administration of the second dose ofan approved two-dose COVID-19 vaccine OR since the administration of an approved single-dose vaccine) may remove their masks in the classroom to teach, but must continue to wear themaskin commonareas.


Allpublic schools intheprovincemustfollowtheseguidelines.


Asareminder,ifyouoryour childexperiencessymptomsofCOVID-19,youshould:

1.            Registeronlineforatestbyclickingon"GetTested"ontheGovernmentofNewBrunswick’s website-coronavirus(www.gnb.ca/coronavirus);or

2.            ContactTele-Care811;or

3.            Contactyourhealthcareprovider.

