RES Staff will Serve Breakfast to Students & Santa on Monday, December 20th

Posted: December 19, 2010

Merry Christmas every one! This Monday, December 20th, the staff of Rexton Elementary will be serving a free, nutritious breakfast to all students. When students arrive at school on Monday, they will proceed directly to their lockers (to change out of their outdoor clothing) and then make their way to the gym to view a Christmas movie. Once all the students have arrived (at approxiimately 8:35) we will make our morning announcements. Following the singing of of our national anthem, the K-2 students will be led to the cafeteria to enjoy breakfast with Santa. Once these students have had breakfast, the grades 3-5 students will be brought into the cafeteria for their breakfast. Thisyear's Breakfast With Santa event has been because in previous years, Breakfast with Santa was held on the weekend and there was a charge to the families who attended. The format for year's event will ensure that ALL STUDENTS present will be able to enjoy a nutritious breakfast with the jolly old elf.    SEASONS GREETINGS