Classroom Contract

Posted: March 7, 2010

In September we worked together as a class and came up with ideas of how we wanted our classroom to look, sound and feel.  We then made up a set of classroom rules.  We all agreed to these rules and signed our names on what became our classroom contract.  This contract has been posted on one of our walls all year as a reminder of how people should behave in our classroom.  I have overheard the students telling each other to stop this, or watch out for that, because of the classroom rules.    Families received a note about this at the first of the year, but here is a picture of our classroom contract.  I am very happy to report that as of March 8, no one has taken home a blue slip to be signed stating that our contract was broken.  I hope to have my little pile of blue slips still in tact in June!  J  


Microsoft Office document icon Classroom_Contract.doc514 KB