School Based Point of Care Testing Program Suspended and Isolation Guidance: CUPE Action

Posted: November 5, 2021

The current CUPE labor action is impacting contact management and the rapid Point of CareTesting (POCT) program available through local schools. Public Health New Brunswick and the Departmend of Education and Early Childhood Development have paused the program effective October29th.

  Students identified as a close contact of COVID-19 will not have access to the POCT kits through their local school and will be required to follow self-isolation as directed by regional public health untilf urther notice.

 For children already enrolled in the POCT program, they should continue with daily POCTmonitoring. If any child tests positive, isolate immediately and contact the local Public Health office for further direction.

 Individuals who are currently self-isolating after contact with a positive case must continue to self-isolate.If they have no symptoms, their isolation may be stopped at11:59 p.m.on Day14.

 If symptoms develop, they are to continue to self-isolate and request a PCR test online. If you do not have access to a computer or need help, call 811.

 The Assessment Center will call you with an appointment.Please answer your phone.

 Given the circumstances, delays are to be expected. We recognize how challenging service changes are for everyone,and your continued patience is greatly appreciated.


Craig Caldwell

Assistant Deputy Minister

Education and Early Childhood Development


Dr. Jennifer Russell,BA,BSc,MD,CCFP

Chief Medical Officer of Health