Return to In-Person Learning

Posted: November 14, 2021

Return to In-Person Learning



Students, Families and Staff of Anglophone North School District,


I am very pleased to share the news that we will welcome students and staff back to schools on Monday, November 15th. Job action with CUPE unions across the province ended this weekend. This means that all of our CUPE staff will be returning to work including our educational assistants, custodians, administrative assistants, and bus drivers.


Please remember that we will continue to follow safety measures as outlined in the“Healthy and Safe Schools” guidelines that are found on the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development website. COVID is still a reality we must live with and following the required precautions will help minimize the risk of spreading thevirus:


For those who have been told to self-isolate due to being a close contact or having been diagnosed with COVID, please continue to follow instructions from Public Health.The testing program will resume with any new cases that impact schools. Students will no longer be required to show their negative test results at school. Instructions will be provided should testing be required for your child.


I wish to thank all those families who worked so hard to try and maintain student studies over the past two weeks. A sincere thank you is also extended to the teachers and administrators who worked diligently to ensure meaningful instruction continued and connections were made with students during this time.


We are all very pleased to return to school tomorrow!


Mark Donovan

Superintendent ASD-N