RES visits EWG's 100 Years of Loss Exhibit

Posted: April 26, 2017

RES Grade 5 (and some Grade 4) students visited the 100 Years of Loss Exhibit on April 26, 2017 at EWG School. The exhibit taught the students about the history of residential schools in Canada. Here are some of the students' thoughts and reactions after seeing this exhibit:

"Even though I am not First Nation I see the pain and racism that was done by the goverment of Canada. All beliefs, religions, and other things should be accepted and respected," - Hayden.

"On Wednesday, April 26 I learned that kids like me were stolen from our families because we are brown and First Nations people! This makes me mad," - Monique.

"Today I felt sad. I also felt grateful at the same time. I learned more about the residential schools and that they were bad. I felt grateful because I'm treated good and the kids that went to the residential schools and those kids were not," Aurora.

"It made me feel really sad and feel bad for the kids who went there," Kiera.